Friday, January 10, 2014

An Automated, Slam Poetry rendition of "Yellow Ledbetter"

Save this as with a .ps1 file extension.

While I appreciate the vocal and instrumental talent, the song makes even less sense, but is way more funny this way.

$voice = New-Object -ComObject SAPI.SPVoice
$voice.Rate = -3
function invoke-speech{
param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)][string] $say )
$voice.Speak($say) | out-null;
} }

$speech = @"
Unsealed on a porch a letter sat.
Then you said, I wanna leave it again.
Once I saw her on a beach of weathered sand.
And on the sand I wanna leave it again.
Yeah. On a weekend I wanna wish it all away, yeah.
And they called and I said that I want what I said and then I call out again.
And the reason oughta leave her calm, I know.
I said I know what I was the boxer or the bag.
Ah yeah, can you see them out on the porch?
Yeah, but they dont wave. I see them round the front way.
And I know, and I know I dont want to stay.
Make me cry...
I see...
Oh I dont know why theres something else.
I wanna drum it all away...
Oh, I said, I dont, I dont know whether I was the boxer or the bag.
Ah yeah, can you see them out on the porch?
Yeah, but they dont wave.
But I see them round the front way.
Yeah. And I know, and I know.
I dont wanna stay at all.
I dont wanna stay.
I dont wanna stay.
I dont...
Dont wanna, oh...

$speech | invoke-speech

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